Standss SendGuard for Outlook


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Seemingly trivial mistakes made when sending out emails can make your emails look unprofessional. They can cause unnecessary delays in getting your full message across and waste valuable time (and money if your time is billable).

Have you ever …

  • Forgotten to attach an important file to an email
  • Had an email blocked because it got sent out with an  empty subject
  • Accidentally clicked Outlook Reply-to-All (instead of Reply) on an email and informed too many people of confidential information
  • Accidentally clicked Reply (instead of Outlook Reply-to-All) on an email and then wasted your precious time going back to keep everyone in the loop
  • Sent an email using the wrong email account
  • Wrote and sent an email that you wanted to call back

Fortunately, you can prevent all of the above mistakes with SendGuard for Outlook. SendGuard provides Automatic Protection by scanning your email messages and warning you if it thinks you are about to send out an email with a mistake.

SendGuard is an add on for Outlook that works inside Outlook. There’s nothing new to learn! You continue to write and send your emails the same way you always have.


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