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Images resize and become unsharp upon sending

Insert Picture buttonWhen inserting an image into the message body or using it in your signature, the image can unexpectedly change in size and/or become unsharp when sending even when it still looked sharp when composing.

The cause of this issue lies in the way handles image dimensions in combination with its dpi value.

This guide contains several solutions and workarounds to this issues.

Continue reading: Images resize and become unsharp upon sending

Updated guide: Creating, using and managing Signatures


The popular How To guide “Creating, using and managing Signatures” has been rewritten completely and now includes more details, screenshots and tips for working with the signature feature.

The guide not only contains the basics, but also give tips on how you can make your Plain Text version of your signature look better and include Internet images (like a corporate logo) in your signature to keep your message small.

Many other signature topics are discussed as well such as automatic signature switching, backing up your signatures and how to include an image in your signature when using Outlook Web Access (OWA).

As there is even more to this seemingly small and simple feature, especially when it comes to using images, I’m doing a series this week covering 3 additional topics regarding signatures. At the end of the week, creating and managing your own stylish signature should go effortless! ;-)

August Hotfixes for Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010


New Hotfixes have been released for Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010.

Outlook 2007
This hotfix contains 12 fixes. A notable fix for Outlook 2007 is a fix regarding to printing monthly calendars and words being cut-off incorrectly and split over 2 lines.

For the full list of solved issues see KB2276479

Outlook 2010
This hotfix contains 9 fixes. A notable fix for Outlook 2010 is to solve an issue where the folder list to become unsorted and folder locations changing.

For the full list of solved issues see KB2281463

Language specific hotfixes
In addition to the language generic hotfix, the following language hotfixes have also been released;

KB2308912: Update for the German version of Outlook 2007 (de-de)
KB2266428: Update for the Danish version of Outlook 2010 (da-dk)
KB2345346: Update for the German version of Outlook 2010 (de-de)

Obtaining the hotfixes
Since these are hotfixes and not regular updates, you won’t be offered this update via Microsoft Update but will have to request it. You can do this at the information page of each hotfix.

If you are not (seriously) effected by any of these issues, it is recommended to wait for the next Service Pack or regular Rollup Update which will most likely contain all these fixes as well.