Archive 1

other    Extra games for MSN6 (Sep 13)

For the people addicted to the MSN6 games has developed some custom games. Next to the default games from MSN you’ll have; Chess, Nine Men’s Morris, Reversi, Sea Battle and Yahtzee as extra games available from the Launch Site button. You need to have your MSN6 closed before you apply the patch.

Download patch from here
Main games site

office    Office 2003 official comes early! (Sep 12)

It doesn’t happen too often but sometimes Microsoft releases something ahead of schedule (well, their latest schedule then). As of Monday, September 15 Microsoft Office 2003 can be downloaded from MSDN for those with Select, Enterprise Agreement and MSDN subscriptions. The retail release is still scheduled for October 21.

Read it at CNET

office    Office 2003 leaks (Sep 11)

I guess someone lost his job today at Microsoft. The question is whether he lost it before or after he leaked Office 2003. From the screenshots posted everything looks quite the same as after the Technical Refresh. Anyway, see the new build numbers by clicking the link below.

Screenshots at ExtremeXP

update    Security update for Windows (Sep 10)

This patch is rated critical so run Windows Update immediately! Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME are not effected. There is also a tool available which enables you to scan your network for unpatched computers. It will also scan for computers that doesn’t have the “Blaster” patch installed.

Bulletin: MS03-039: A Buffer Overrun in RPCSS May Allow Code Execution (824146)
Scan tool: KB 824146 Scanner for MS03-026 and MS03-039 Patches

Run Windows Update

office    Office 2003 Editions Resource Kit Tools (Sep 10)

As we are approaching the release of Office 2003 the Resource Kit Tools are already there to get you ready for deployment.

Download: Office 2003 Editions Resource Kit Tools

office    Finally it’s here! Access 2.0 Service Pack (Sep 10)

Well, better late then never right? Some info on the file;

Publish date: September 9 2003
Signature date: September 3 2003
EULA date: July 17 2003
Last Knowledge Base review date: April 23 2003
Executable date: May 1 1995
Oldest file in the executable: September 20 1994

So we are about 9 years later… will this be the final release? (talking about “Extended Support Phase”)

Download it for your archive here

other    Exchange documentation (Sep 10)

Microsoft added some new Exchange documentation.

Exchange Server 2003 Administration Guide
Exchange 2003 Deployment Guide
Working with Store Permissions in Microsoft Exchange 2000 and 2003

office    Office Professional Edition 2003 Tour (Sep 9)

With the launch of Office 2003 coming up it’s good to know what new feature’s it brings and how it can help you at home and in your organisation. A quick tour shows you how Office 2003 is safer and more effective than ever.

Take the tour

other    Telnet as an Alternative to OWA (Sep 9)

Don’t like the new Outlook Web Access interface? Well I doubt it but if you really want to go back to basics with your interface you might want to try to connect to Exchange by using good old Hyper Terminal or Telnet.

Read the article

office    Download the Microsoft Office Online Preview Demo (Sep 8)

This download contains a video demo of the new Microsoft Office Online website. It’s pretty funny to see that the web address in the video still says Anyway check out the new site and download this demo to see where you can find everything.

New Microsoft Office Online website:
Microsoft Office Online Demo for WMP9, 300kbps
Microsoft Office Online Demo other formats

about    I gave my site a facelift (Sep 5)

Hope you like it!

other    MSN 6.1 Beta hits the web (Sep 5)

To download directly from Microsoft press here

update    4 Security updates for Office came out today (Sep 4)

Bulletin: MS03-035: Flaw in Microsoft Word Could Enable Macros to Run Automatically (827653)
Bulletin: MS03-036:Buffer Overrun in WordPerfect Converter Could Allow Code Execution (827103)
Bulletin: MS03-037:Flaw in Visual Basic for Applications Could Allow Arbitrary Code Execution (822715)
Bulletin: MS03-038:Unchecked buffer in Microsoft Access Snapshot Viewer Could Allow Code Execution (827104)

Run Office Update

howto    Added content

How To section: Using command line switches

faq   Added content

FAQ section: About mailboxes, addresses and aliases

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